Wine events’ F.O.M.O, how to fight the anxiety of missing out and select the best to attend
With springtime the wine events start again: fairs, tastings, festivals, in no time the agenda fills up, the email box is full of invitations and it is easy to lose your compass.
I confess, I have had F.O.M.O.
F.O.M.O. is the acronym of Fear Of Missing Out, and it defines well this feeling.
You feel bad and anxious, at the thought of not being able to participate, perhaps for lack of time, in experiences that involve known people and prestigious realities, such as important fairs or events. It happened to me too. And it still happens to me when I have to define my agenda of trips and commitments.
I suffered a lot at the beginning of my career in the world of wine, that moment when the right contacts are everything and can open doors that you would not be able to force by yourself, I was terrified of missing the right event, the one where I would have surely met the decisive person for my projects.
I had a further aggravating circumstance: the fact of being an immigrant in the States, therefore new to both the world of wine and to Californian society. So I know something about F.O.M.O., about the fear of not being there. Not being seen.

A feeling that I also recognize in many clients, wineries and consortia, when I accompany them on the American market: they often are driven by this fear of missing tastings, presentations and sales opportunities in general. I always invite them to be calm.
The only way to survive F.O.M.O. is to select few opportunities but quality ones. Selecting is the key word, and to do that you have to invest time in analyzing events. Or rely on those who know how to do it professionally (like my team) and will act as your compass.
The anxiety of missing an event does not only concern companies or business opportunities, but also those who attend wine events for pleasure, for passion, perhaps exploring the idea of making it a profession in the future.
Here are some advices to select the best tastings or business occasions for yourselves or for your companies.
B2B events
– What is the target of the trade show? What kind of buyer attends it? National or international? To find out, ask the organizers for the list of participants of the previous edition or check online by looking for articles or posts on social media of the previous years.
– How much does it cost to attend? What is my trade show budget for the year? If it is limited it is better to choose a few events but very much in line with your business goals in relation to the markets you want to target.
– Does the event have media appeal? Is it prestigious to be part of it? It may not be exactly in line with the company’s target, but it brings with it great advantages for the brand’s awareness.
Consumer events
– what is the identikit of the guest? Is it an event dedicated to a wide audience with low spending power or to luxury?
– Is there a theme? Some consumer festivals are dedicated to specific types of wine or viticulture. Would I be interested in that theme? Would my typical client be attracted to that theme?
– Is it easy or difficult to get to the location? Are there amenities for those who want to attend? Does it take place in a beautiful location or in a suburb that is not at all attractive?

In general, to make a good selection it is essential that we are very clear about our goals, both personal and professional.
For example, I ask myself which events are useful for my professional growth, and which ones are replicas of each other where I will meet the same people? In a niche business such as wine this often happens, so maybe it is not worth investing time and energy to attend as many events as possible, but it is wise to select.
So now it is up to you, calendar in hand, and who knows we will meet at the next tasting.